Sunday, 5 May 2013

Mothers Day Ideas #2 : From A Distance With LOVE


So i posted some ideas on how I'll spend Mothers Day with my dear Mama.

Now in case you don't know i am currently studying abroad and have been living away from my family for over 3 years now so this will be the third Mother's day that i wont be able to spend with mum.

So here are some ideas that i will suggest if you are someone who is can't spend Mother's day with Mama in person but want to spend it from a distance (like me! :P)


Send mum a Mother's Day Card or a Letter!

It may take a while to get there and it may be a bit old fashion but i like this idea as its something more personal and its from the heart.

If you are willing to spend a bit more money then you can send a little package (a little as shipping is expensive!) to mum with her favorite chocolates or a souvenir!  

Random note: i wanted the pic to be Mailbox form Blues Clues but i thought this was batter ;D

Call / Skype with mum

Its a small world after all

Thank you technology !

So here is a fact about me... i still call my mum at lease 3 times a day while i am here in Uni... and i have been in uni for 3 years...

There is something nice and comforting about hearing my mum's voice and just keeping up to date with her and sharing what's been going on in my life.
Giving a call to mum is something that we should not only do on mothers day but as often as possible as i think a nice way to catch up with mum and also (in my case) assure her that you're doing well.
Also send her a lovely text message first thing in the morning as your message will definitely brighten up her day! 
Now if your mum is tech savvy with the internet i will suggest skype/ video chat with mum as it will be nice to see Mum's face too (that came out wrong but you know what I meant :P).

Video /Slideshow Tribute

Last Year i made a short video tribute for mothers day that was covering Taylor Swift Never Grow Up on the piano for my mum. 

You can make a slideshow with a short message to sent to mum.

This i find this unique as well easy as it does not cost a cent to make! just a bit of time and a lot of Heart and Soul.

It's personal and if you love making vidoe this is the way to go.

Hope this ideas were useful and once again don't just treat mum special on Mother's Day as everyday is Mother's Day.

~oxox rotan~