so first thing first ...
i am gonna celebrate with taking out my iDevices and film a few haul
vids and editing blogpost while the whole residents get drunk ... yah
... lol (i am not joking ><")
I also got the inspiration of the style taking this picture from one of my favorite booktubers Bookables from the tumbler so i will link her tumbler.
I have in total 14 books this month .... yup went a little cray cray ...
But they were all at such a good deal!!!!
Sound Bender (Sound Bender #1)
Lin Oliver,
Theo Baker
So i saw this in my Uni's bookshop at half price so it was around $10.
Anything with the word bending or bender i am all ears for it as i love manipulating the elements (obsess with legend of avatar series)
Also cause this book has a male lead thought i should pick it up to let my brother read as he is not a fan of alot of the books that i read (which has female leads)
Anything with the word bending or bender i am all ears for it as i love manipulating the elements (obsess with legend of avatar series)
Also cause this book has a male lead thought i should pick it up to let my brother read as he is not a fan of alot of the books that i read (which has female leads)
Return to the Hundred Acre Wood
Its winnie the pooh!!! Need i say more???
Its a Classic in my book :P
When i saw this at Dymocks i had to get this as i have heard a lot of amazing things about this so for $10 why not?!
Also i was fangirling on the illustration as it follow the classic winnie the pooh and its breath taking beautiful!
Shades of Grey (Shades of Grey #1)
Heard a few booktubers talking about this and was interested with the description.
I have been wanting to get more into dystopian so hopefully this will be a great read.
Doctor Who: Shada
Goodreads Link
I love Doctor Who and when this had to pick it up!
I am familiar with the fact that Douglas Adams is one of the Classic Who writers and also made a few of his doctor who script into books like hitch hicker guide to the galaxie.
This is a smart way to expand those Doctor Who script that didnt made it as an episode by publishing it into a book!
Doctor Who Quick Reads
Speaking of Doctor Who i got two "Quick Reads" off the book depository which are like novellas for the Doctor Who (Modern Who) series.
One is Doctor Who: Code of the Krillitanes
Justin Richards from the Tenth Doctor's run (and my Fav doctor DT :p) and another is
Doctor Who: The Silurian Gift
Mike Tucker from the Eleventh Doctor's run!
I got them as my brother wanted to read them but were flipping expensive back home so yah ... turn to the internet as its cheaper:P
Looking for Alaska
John Green
So i saw this on Bookdepository just browsing the John Green section when i saw this at 68% off for like $6 which flipping cheap so while buying those Doctor who quick reads i added this to my chart too!
An Abundance of Katherines
John Green
When i saw that the discription was Big Bang Theory on a road trip i had to get this!
One of the website that i use call Bookworld had a 40% discount on all their books so since at that time i was reading looking for alaska i thought i may as well get the next john green book since i want to read all his books by the TFIOS movie
Piece of Cake
Kate Forster
Gosh i love this series!!!
I admit one of the reason i got the book is cause of the sugar coated cover and the other reason i cause it was on sale!
The smitten series is probably one of my fav YA/NA series as its filled with happy romance and the best part was that it's set in Australia!
Head Over High Heels (Smitten)
Kate Forster
Had my eye on this at big W so i randomly walk in one day and thought why now.
Probably one of my fav smitten book as i can visualize its setting since its set in Melbourne CBD. Also its one of the more dramatic books in this romance series.
Heard alot of good things on youtube about this and although i have not read any of the earlier books i still picked it up as it sounded really good.
And also this was one of those ransom moments in Big W when i just browse trough the book section and pick up a new book ... yah that place is dangerous! lol
Goodreads link
The first book in a futuristic sci-fic with a twist on the titanic story i wanted to read this as i heard alot of good reviews and that the authors are from Australia.
I usually wont buy books instore at Dymocks as its really expensive but the one that is near me is closing down and having a 20% off the whole store sale so i had a good reason to get this as well as that this is an autograph edition by the author so that's a great convincing bonus :D

I have seen this at Big W multiple times but never picked it up so when i won the second book in the series i immediately went and made a sneaky little purchase from Big W.
Its one of those funny, cute, een romance and i am almost done with it so i cant wait to review it you guys! Also Tara Eglinston is Another Aussie author which is great as i have been wanting to read more Australian authors.

How to Convince a Boy to Kiss You
(Aurora Skye #2)
by Tara Eglington
Goodreads Link
Ok so this i won from a goodreads giveaway and let me just say how flipping happy I was when i saw this in my mail box as I didnt expect to win it let alone love it!
I went out to get the first book to do justice to the series as well. Have not read it yet but am loving the first book so i cant wait to marathon this.
Also what i was more excited about was that it was autograph and dedicated to me! xD happy fangirl i say !!
So yah ....and i you think that's all the books i've gotten this month ... i am NOT done yet! lol
I am now back in Malaysia and a couple of times i went out with my dad to the bookshops i did some more damage... yah... so if you love seeing pretty pictures of books keep your eyes peal for another book haul in the near future!
also check out my NEW youtube channel and YES I MADE A NEW YOUTUBE CHANNEL dedicating to booktube where i will be doing bookhauls, tags, reviews where i will also do written book reviews on my blog and all that fun booktubeing challenges xD
Check out me hauling books video style :P
Check me our on Goodreeds to see the other books i have read and also what i am currently readin.
Which books did you guys think look cool???
Let me know in the down bar
The first book in a futuristic sci-fic with a twist on the titanic story i wanted to read this as i heard alot of good reviews and that the authors are from Australia.
I usually wont buy books instore at Dymocks as its really expensive but the one that is near me is closing down and having a 20% off the whole store sale so i had a good reason to get this as well as that this is an autograph edition by the author so that's a great convincing bonus :D
How to Keep a Boy from Kissing You (Aurora Skye #1)
by Tara Eglington Goodreads LinkI have seen this at Big W multiple times but never picked it up so when i won the second book in the series i immediately went and made a sneaky little purchase from Big W.
Its one of those funny, cute, een romance and i am almost done with it so i cant wait to review it you guys! Also Tara Eglinston is Another Aussie author which is great as i have been wanting to read more Australian authors.
by Tara Eglington
Goodreads Link
Ok so this i won from a goodreads giveaway and let me just say how flipping happy I was when i saw this in my mail box as I didnt expect to win it let alone love it!
I went out to get the first book to do justice to the series as well. Have not read it yet but am loving the first book so i cant wait to marathon this.
Also what i was more excited about was that it was autograph and dedicated to me! xD happy fangirl i say !!
So yah ....and i you think that's all the books i've gotten this month ... i am NOT done yet! lol
I am now back in Malaysia and a couple of times i went out with my dad to the bookshops i did some more damage... yah... so if you love seeing pretty pictures of books keep your eyes peal for another book haul in the near future!
also check out my NEW youtube channel and YES I MADE A NEW YOUTUBE CHANNEL dedicating to booktube where i will be doing bookhauls, tags, reviews where i will also do written book reviews on my blog and all that fun booktubeing challenges xD
Check out me hauling books video style :P
Check me our on Goodreeds to see the other books i have read and also what i am currently readin.
Which books did you guys think look cool???
Let me know in the down bar
Till Next Time